Friday, May 28, 2010

The Theory of Clouds by Stéphane Audeguy

Bugün bulutları seyredip,bu enfes kitabı okumaya başladım! Bulutlar Kuramı...

Akira Kumo’nun alışılmadık bir koleksiyonu vardır; bulutlar hakkında yazılmış kitapları toplar. Bu sıra dışı merakında kendisine yardımcı olması için kütüphaneci Virgine Latour’u işe alır. Akira, Virginie’ye bulutlara isimlerini veren bir bilim adamının, yalnızca bulut resimleri yapan bir ressamın, bulutlar hakkında olduğu sanılan ancak sonradan esrarengiz bir şekilde “erotizm atlası”na dönüşen ünlü bir metnin ve onun gizemli yazarının öykülerini anlatır. Bütün bu “bulut avcıları”, bulutların peşinde koşarken varoluşun, hayatın ve ölümün sırlarını keşfetmemişlerdir. Akira Kumo ise bulutlarda başladığı yolculuğunu, çocukluğunun unutulmuş anılarında, insanlığın en büyük trajedilerinden birinin yaşandığı 1945 yılının Hiroşima’sında tamamlar.

Bulutlar Kuramı, şiirsel dili, yarı hayali yarı gerçek karakterleri, iç içe geçmiş büyülü öyküleriyle son iki yüzyılın bilimsel gelişmelerine çok farklı bir bakış açısıyla yaklaşırken, insanlığa bulutlardan bir ayna tutuyor.

(Arka Kapak)

Negros'dan 'eve' dönmenin verdiği eşsiz mutluluğun resmi bu :)

There is something about clouds that is magical and inspiring, that is one of the premises of this book which I agree with. Just the word cloud in the title of a book draws me in such as Russell Bank’s Cloudsplitter, which is really about building skyscrapers or Amanda Filipacchi’s Vapor which is about a scientist trying to become a cloud. Actually Theory… strongly reminds me of the latter, in that it includes an unconventional love story and a slight suspension of reality.
Akira Kumo is a wealthy man living in Paris, who at the end of his life has amassed a collection of writings about clouds in any form. He hires a librarian, Virginie, to organize things, but really to listen to his stories, which are all of people who have embraced clouds in an extreme manner. They are the people in the books that surround them, his stories bring the books to life.

The people are varied and fascinating, though all are presented as eccentric. They include Carmichael, who obsessively painted clouds; Luke Howard who gave clouds names that are still used today; Lewis Fry Richardson, a Quaker mathmatician who discovered a calculation to measure global wind movements in hopes of helping sailors and farmers. Instead the British government used it to determine when poison gas would be most effective in WWI. Then there is Richard Abercrombie who set out to photograph all the different sorts of clouds around the world and ended up with a very different sort of photographic record. This Ambercrombie Protocol acts as a type of Grail in the novel and Virginie’s search for it leads to more than one discovery.

There’s all sorts of weather facts and oddities sprinkled through the novel. One of the most exciting chapters is about the volcanic explosion of the island of Krakatoa in 1883 and it’s effect on the climate. The reader is continually amazed at the discoveries, inventions and rivalries that marked the early days of weather exploration. On the one hand, it’s astonishing what was done with such limited access and knowledge, on the other the history of meteorology is so recent, compared, to say, the history of art. The reader comes away having learned quite a bit about this intriguing subject.
There are sexual “interludes” throughout the book, but most of the time they haven’t much to do with the stories and feel pasted on.They don’t really serve any purpose.There are only several instances where the sex actually is part of a romance. Most of the time it’s with nameless prostitutes or native women who basically serve as body parts, not as real partners or even individuals in some cases. This aspect smeared through most of the book and gave it a tawdry feel. It’s the main reason I cannot give it my whole-hearted approval despite the appeal of the rest of the novel.
This strange book ends with Kumo’s childhood fully explained, his survival after Hiroshima, when a cloud of another kind changed his life. Only that one wasn’t magical at all.

Noa Noa in Negros

“Yes, indeed, the savages have taught many things to the man of an old civilization; these ignorant men have taught him much in the art of living and happiness. Above all, they have taught me to know myself better; they have told me the deepest truth. Was this thy secret, thou mysterious world? Oh mysterious world of all light, thou hast made a light shine within me, and I have grown in admiration of thy antique beauty, which is the immemorial youth of nature. I have become better for having understood and having loved thy human soul— a flower which has ceased to bloom and whose fragrance no one henceforth will breathe.”

Paul Gauguin, Noa Noa


Bir türlü tam olarak geride bırakamadığımız, özlem duyduğumuz, karşısında çocuklaştığımız, döndüğümüzde eskisi gibi bulamadığımız, sürekli “hayalini kurduğumuz” evler...

the isla

Yola çıkacak kişinin aşması gereken

ilk ve en önemli engel,

kendi yerleşikliğidir :

kendi yeri

          — kendisidir...  O.Aruoba

Thursday, May 13, 2010

13/05/10 gikapoy ko!

oooo oooo! gikapoy ko! i'm so tired today...
eating fruit salad! so lamy!
good night

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

negros island

17 - 27 mayıs tarihlerinde negros adasında olacağım.
internet ve telefonsuz sonunda ada ile başbaşa kalıcaz..

Size yazıcak,göstericek bir sürü şey toplayıp,resimler yapıp; Cebu adasına dönücem ve kaldığımız yerden,devam edicez hayallerimi takip etmeye!...sizi seviyorum! :)

17th-27th May

we'll be in Negros island! without internet connection and phone ! :)
don't give up following my dreams!
love u!!!!
see u soon!
ayo ayo ka ( take care of u)

lamy bocikoy!

turkish caffee

                                                    midye,pilav,domuz eti,mango

patates salatası,sebze,balık,ananas


cute spanish home

Casa Gorordo Museum Cebu was the home of Juan Gorodo, first Filipino Bishop of Cebu. Casa Gorordo Museum Cebu is located in Lopez Jaena Steet. At present, the museum houses many old and ancient relics. The displayed relics give a picture about the lifestyle of the Filipino people during the period from1860s to 1920s. Old furniture and paintings are also displayed in this museum of Cebu. The courtyard of the museum is very beautiful. The museum premises are well maintained and beautified.

About Casa Gorodo Museum
Alejandro Reynes Y Rosales built the house, which became famous as the home of Juan Gorodo in the middle of 19th century. Four generations of Gorodo family have stayed in this home including Juan Gorodo. In the year 1980, Ramon Aboitiz Foundation, Inc.
acquired the home. After restoration, the home was turned into a museum and opened to the common people. On 24th September, 1991, National Historical Institute Board, under resolution number 4, declared the house as a historical landmark of the nation.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

09/05/10 malipayon ko!

Malipayon ko (i’m happy)

We started this week with a visit to St. Arnold’s Village… An excellent village which is on top of the mountains with an amazing view!
The St. Arnold Janssen Community village is one of JPIC's rehousing projects funded by the Karl Kübel Foundation. The division is by areas and there are 7 areas with 224 families living there.
Fellows stayed one night with different families in the village. I stayed in Tubianosa family’s home! Tatay (father) Ronie and nanay(mother) Virginia and kayu (son) guapo Chrisgel!
That night i drew pictures and played toys with Cg,Rusin (my host brother). Then we had dinner with their neighours. İ tried divit divit fish for the first time! İt was amazing, İ love Philippines! Lapu lapu fish,mol mol! !

We took a tour round the village, enjoyıng cebu city’s amazing view. We also had various karaoke sessıonsJ all night… it’s interesting, they love slow songs! All the children can sing! J
I slept in the top floor with a fan! So i slept very well! It was like a dream

But i missed my fellows because it was my first night without them after 3 weeks!

Tubianosa family’s notes for me:
‘Gamze,thank you for being a nice person to us. We thank JPIC for selecting you of being our adopted daughter/guest for one night. We’re proud of you. Hoping that you’ll always be in our hearts! And this will be the beginning of our friendship.’
‘I miss u so much!!! I love you! Ate Gamze CG!’

‘Guapa Rona Maria (St.Arnold Village)
Maybe one day u can build ur own house here... so u can visit us always!!!’

Saturday, May 8, 2010

07/05/10 Dedon Tour !!!!!! love Ko'To!!!!!!

06/05/10 St.Arnold Village Visiting

Chrisgel seni her zaman özleyeceğim!
evine ne zaman su gelecek?
ne zaman hayallerinin peşine düşeceksin?
ve tekrar ne zaman görüşürüz guapo?
ate gamze mahal kita